Episode 123: Jane's Hoya tour
(left to right) Hoya macrophylla (or possibly H. clandestina…) Hoya ‘Mathilde’ and variegated Hoya carnosa. Photograph: Jane Perrone.
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The Genus Hoya by Anders Wennström and Katarina Stenman.
My Hoya collection has grown and grown since I first acquired a variegated Hoya carnosa many years ago, which reflects how much I love this genus of vining plants. And I know you love Hoyas too, because episode 82, in which I talked to Doug Chamberlain of Vermont Hoyas, remains my second most popular episode!
So in this episode I give you a tour of my Hoya collection - some mature plants, some young cuttings - to find out how they are getting on. I explain why I love them all and try to identify them all, but Hoya taxonomy is a bit tricky, and seems to be constantly evolving, so if you think I have got any of them wrong, let me know!
I recently bought a great book on Hoyas recently: The Genus Hoya by Anders Wennström and Katarina Stenman. I bought my copy from the author via eBay - it’s a good resource if you want to extend your knowledge of Hoyas.
Many thanks to Tommy Tonsberg (my guest back in episode 68) for gifting me so many cuttings, and to N! Garden Centre in London for gifting me a variegated Hoya kerrii. Also scroll down to find out what I suggest for a leggy mina aralia in this week’s Q&A.
Check the photo gallery below as you listen to match pictures of the plants with my descriptions!

Michelle got in touch via Twitter where I’m @janeperrone. Michelle’s aralia, Polyscias scutellaria ‘Fabian’, scored at an estate sale - result! - is looking rather leggy. I advise waiting until spring, then cutting one of the stems back to near the base, just above a node. This should prompt some growth. A staged process of cutting back requires patience, but will also get the best results in the long run. Make sure you use a clean knife or pair of scissors and make sure you’re improving conditions for your plant to try to prevent leaf drop happening again.
Ashley’s plant: click to enlarge the image.
I’d also like your help on another query. Ashley’s Rhaphidophora tetrasperma has developed dark green patches on the underside of the leaves and is undergoing heavy guttation. Ashley writes: “I bottom watered it the other day because the soil seemed very dry, even with the finger test though the roots kept getting in the way so I may not have checked as far down as I should have. It had been a couple weeks since I watered I believe. Is my plant okay? Should I be worried? I don’t know if the dark patches were there prior to watering. I’m not even sure what made me check! I've had this plant since about mid November. I also moved to another location at the end of November. My apartment doesn’t get much light but it’s under a grow light with all my other aroids which seem fine.”
I wondered if the problem was oedema caused by too much water around the roots, but would love to know your thoughts!
Want to ask me a question? Email ontheledgepodcast@gmail.com. The more information you can include, the better - pictures of your plant, details of your location and how long you have had the plant are always useful to help solve your issue!
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, I Snost, I Lost by Doctor Turtle and Whistle by BenJamin Banger (@benjaminbanger on Insta; website benjaminbanger.com).
Logo design by Jacqueline Colley.