Midweek bonus 2: keep on keeping on, Little Joe and a birdsong soundscape
Emily Beecham as Alice Woodard in new film Little Joe.
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In this extra episode, I meet listener Sadie from Colorado, USA, talk to Matt Candeias of podcast In Defense of Plants about new film Little Joe, and chill out with the birds in my garden. Check out the notes below as you listen….
#HouseplantHour over on Twitter is usually once every two weeks, but I am making it weekly from now on - every Tuesday at 9pm GMT. Join me to talk about your plants, ask questions and generally escape from any gloom or stress you are experiencing. Follow https://twitter.com/janeperrone and https://twitter.com/houseplanthour to get involved, and include #HouseplantHour in all your posts.
#OTLsowalong is ongoing! You can find all my podcasts on this subject here. Do remember to include the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram and use the OTLsowalong topic when posting in the Facebook group, Houseplant Fans of On The Ledge.
If you want to take part in Meet the Listener, drop an email to ontheledgepodcast@gmail.com. That’s also where you can send questions on sowalong issues, and general houseplant issues for the upcoming Q&A special.
Matt Candeias’ podcast In Defense of Plants is well worth a listen - you can hear me being interviewed about houseplants in episode 257.
In this episode, you can hear an extract of a chat with Matt Candeias about new film Little Joe, which is about a plant genetically engineered to make people happy. You can watch a trailer for Little Joe here. The full interview is now available on my Patreon feed for subscribers of $5 a month or more.
Podcaster Suzy Buttress’s list of gardening podcasts is worth a look: find it here. Suzy’s podcast is great too, it’s called The Casual Birder.
Contributions from On The Ledge listeners help to pay for all the things that have made the show possible over the last few years: equipment, travel expenses, editing, admin support and transcription.
Want to make a one-off donation? You can do that through my ko-fi.com page, or via Paypal.
Want to make a regular donation? Join the On The Ledge community on Patreon! Whether you can only spare a dollar or a pound, or want to make a bigger commitment, there’s something for you: see all the tiers and sign up for Patreon here.
The Crazy Plant Person tier just gives you a warm fuzzy feeling of supporting the show you love.
The Ledge End tier gives you access to two extra episodes a month, known as An Extra Leaf, as well as ad-free versions of the main podcast on weeks where there’s a paid advertising spot, and access to occasional patron-only Zoom sessions.
My Superfan tier earns you a personal greeting from me in the mail including a limited edition postcard, as well as ad-free episodes.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, An Instrument the Boy Called Happy Day Gokarna by Samuel Corwin and Chiefs by Jahzzar.
Logo design by Jacqueline Colley.