Midweek bonus 5: I Love My Plants
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In this bonus episode, I answer a question about buying houseplants from big box stores, we meet listener Lynne and we hear a song about plants from Mark Truesdell.
Mark Truesdell’s song I Love My Plants is all about his spider plants and philodendrons - the kind of song you or I might write! You can find out more about Mark at spiralsmusic.com and more about the song I Love My Plants here.
Kallie wanted to know whether it’s OK to buy houseplants from big box stores - during lockdown, and more generally. My view is that, where you can, it’s great to support specialist sellers, local nurseries and houseplant shops: yes, big box stores may be a bit cheaper, but the plants you buy will most likely not have been cared for while they waited to be sold. That can mean you end up with a weakened plant that could be harbouring pests. Shopping with smaller specialist outfits means the money tends to stay local, plus you can tap their expertise in terms of choosing the right plant for you. That said: we’ve all (me included) spotted a beautiful plant across the aisles while shopping for something completely different, and succumbed… so if you occasionally buy houseplants from a big box store, I understand!
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This week's show featured the track Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops.
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