Episode 172: your sowalong questions answered
Photograph: Jane Perrone.
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The On The Ledge sowalong is an annual podcast project encouraging listeners to sow and grow houseplant seeds: in this episode I answer some of the questions raised by listeners eager to take part.
If you are getting started sowing seeds for 2021, I want to know! Post your pics and info on social media using #OTLsowalong and #OnTheLedgePodcast, and onto the podcast’s Facebook group, Houseplant Fans of On The Ledge.
Want to catch up on previous sowalong episodes? Here are all the episodes from 2018 on…
Check out the notes below as you listen …
Listen to On The Ledge on the CBC show Podcast Playlist here.
Have you seen a plant called Streptocarpus ‘Pretty Turtle’ in your local plant shop? It’s actually a Primulina (probably P. dryas ‘Hisako’ or ‘Betty’! It’s not clear how this plant got wrongly classified as a Strep, but I’m hoping listeners will spread the word to get this error corrected. You can read more about this issue on my Facebook page. You can buy Primulina ‘Hisako’ from Dibleys Nursery if you are in the UK. There’s more on the genus Primulina on the Gesneriad Reference Web site.
Want to hear more about Oxalis trianglaris, the purple falseleaf shamrock? Check out this earlier episode of On The Ledge.
Want to buy Monstera deliciosa seeds? If you are in the UK the best source I know of is Chiltern Seeds (if you are elsewhere in the world and have found a reliable source of seeds do let me know). Aroid seeds need to be sown fresh so it’s vital to get a reliable source (and that also explains why aroid seed is generally hard to come by!)
Want to try growing cherimoya aka custard apple from seed? This comes from the fruit of the tree Annona cherimola which is native to Central America.
For more great advice on growing indoor plants from kitchen scraps get a hold of the book Don’t Throw It, Grow It! by Deborah Peterson and Millicent Selsam.
Dragonfruit - the fruit of the cactus Hylocereus undatus - can also be grown from seed. There’s a detailed video from Desert Plants of Avalon. This is also the plant that is used as the base of the grafted moon cactus - more on that on the Plants Are The Strangest People blog.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, An Instrument the Boy Called Happy Day, Gokarna by Samuel Corwin and Sundown by Josh Woodward.