Episode 207: festive plant Q&A
Waxed Hippeastrum bulbs. Photograph: Angelbattle bros on Flickr.
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In the last episode of 2021, I answer a raft of festive plant queries from listeners, and we hear from listener Sally.
Check out the notes below as you listen…
Robin asked whether I had any clever ideas for what to do with the trunk of a real Christmas tree from last year that had been “debranched”…
I don’t think there will be much of a problem with growing Hedera helix up the trunk indoors - ivy can clamber over pretty much anything - but I do fear the trunk will start to rot away rather quickly. And aesthetically, I am having trouble thinking how it could work, although feel free to prove me wrong!
Check this useful piece on ways to recycle real Christmas trees.
I tend to add the trunk to my ‘dead hedge’ pile of rough wood next to my compost bins, which is the perfect invertebrate hangout.
I think you can probably guess my opinion about waxed Hippeastrum bulbs. It’s a no from me!
Yes they can bloom, but it’s not the best way for your plant, and will probably lead to many more bulbs being discarded after Christmas.
There’s a useful blogpost about waxed Hippeastrum on emaryllis.com.
Check out On The Ledge episode 106 for more on these bulbs.
Can paperwhite Narcissi - Narcissus papyraceus, pictured right - be kept for more than one season, asks Joyce from New York?
These bulbs are native to Algeria and Morocco as well as Mediterranean countries including Spain and Portugal.
They are meant to be suitable for growing outside in sheltered spots in USDA zones 8+ which sadly doesn’t include New York. (USDA zones are explained here: we don’t use this system in the UK, instead we have RHS hardiness zones).
It’s worth trying to grow them indoors for another year: after flowering, let the leaves dry out completely, then store in the dry pot somewhere cool until autumn the following year. It may not work, but is worth a try!
There are some Narcissi from the same Tazzetta group as paperwhites that are reportedly more hardy, such as Narcissus ‘Geranium’.
Jeffrey wanted suggestions for houseplants that could be used as an alternative to a cut pine tree for Christmas.
I think the best bet is a Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) or a potted conifer/pine tree that spends the majority of the year outside.
Osmanthus would also work, but only in a cool, ideally unheated porch or conservatory.
If you have endless light and warmth you could try getting a Poinsettia to grow really big and shrubby as they do in their native Mexico, but not sure where you would hang the decorations from?
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku, Chiefs by Jahzzar and Part VIII by Jahzzar.