Episode 294: cheap or free houseplant care kit essentials
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Raid your kitchen cupboards and you’ll come across all kinds of free stuff you can utilise to take care of your houseplants.
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0:15 Introduction to Houseplant Toolkits
2:34 The Handy Syringe
3:31 The Mighty Toothbrush
4:47 Dusting with Old Brushes
5:56 Repurposing Old T-Shirts
7:57 Repurposing Takeaway Containers
10:48 Housekeeping and Patron Shoutouts
11:51 Importance of a Hand Lens
12:35 The Versatile Paperclip
17:00 The Essential Sprayer
Check these notes as you listen…
Toolkit item 1 - plastic syringes from children's medicine bottles or other medication are super useful for precise dosing of liquid plant feeds. Keep a few back and you can use them over and over again.
Toolkit item 2 - old toothbrushes can be handy for cleaning plants: for example if you have a mealybug infestation you can dip the toothbrush into surgical spirit aka rubbing alcohol and giving them a gentle scrub. You can also use a toothbrush to clean dusty cacti.
Toolkit item 3 - cut up old cotton t-shirts that are too ragged to go to the charity shop/thrift store into squares and they make soft, efficient cloths for wiping down plant leaves: ideal for removing dust but also pests.
Toolkit item 4 - clear plastic takeaway containers for plant storage or propagations is a clever way to recycle. These containers can be an ideal temporary home for cuttings or leaves awaiting propagation, maintaining a humid environment for growth.
Toolkit item 5 - Unravel a paperclip, turn it to a u-shape and you can use it in the same way as a florist’s pin, to hold stems in place in a moss pole, or when propagating plants such as string of hearts (Ceropegia woodii) and string of pearls (Curio rowleyanus).
Toolkit item 6 - wooden kebab sticks, knitting needles or chopsticks can double as moisture meters by gauging soil dampness for optimal watering needs. Just stick them into the pot down to root level, leave for half an hour then pull out. If they come out dry, it’s time to water.
Two gadgets that are worth buying…
A good quality hand lens (choose a triplet lens) is a great investment, but steer clear of the cheaper ones as they break very quickly. The makes Kite and Ruper are both good quality. If I was going for one now, I would choose something like this one.
A pressurised sprayer is also very useful for watering if you have a lot of plants - but don’t buy a cheap one, they always break! I recently used this one - the Gloria Prima 5 - at Not Another Jungle in Bedford and it seems really good quality. It also comes in a smaller 3 litre capacity.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku and Whistle by BenJamin Banger (@benjaminbanger on Insta; website benjaminbanger.com)..