Episode 262: hear an extract from Legends of the Leaf
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Hear an extract from my new book Legends of the Leaf, plus I answer a question about pruning cane begonias.
About Legends of the Leaf
My book is out on April 27 2023, although people who pledged during the crowdfunding are already receiving their copies! It profiles 25 iconic houseplant species, from boston fern to zamioculcas, with illustrations by the talented Helen Entwisle.
How houseplants went from the wilds to our windowsills
Care guides for each species explaining how to make them feel at home
Practical care advice from a houseplant expert
Want to get your hands on a copy of Legends of the Leaf? All the details are at legendsoftheleafbook.com.
Bas’s cane Begonia.
Bas wanted to know whether it was wise to prune cane begonias while they are flowering. His venerable plant has got leggy and needs cutting back, but is also currently flowering. I advise Bas to enjoy the flowers for a few weeks then take cuttings once they have faded. Cuttings should be at least two nodes long, and can be propped in water or damp perlite. Then the cuttings can be placed back into the original pot or made into a new plant.
To avoid this issue, keep pinching out the top growth of the plant, and it should encourage it to grow more canes from the base. The stems when cut usually only produce a new bud from one side of the stem so the stem on its own won’t bush out as such.
The American Begonia Society suggests potting cane begonias in a heavier substrate than that of other begonias (eg rex begonias) because they get so big and tall.
Want to ask me a question? Email ontheledgepodcast@gmail.com. The more information you can include, the better - pictures of your plant, details of your location and how long you have had the plant are always useful to help solve your issue.
Thanks to True Leaf Market for supporting this week’s show. True Leaf Market have been supplying of superb seed since 1974: check out their website for a huge choice of seeds including vegetables, herbs, flowers, microgreens and seeds for sprouting, plus their free growing guides to help you get started. Get $10 off when yout spend $50 off now at trueleafmarket.com with promo code ONTHELEDGE10. Limit one use per customer.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku and Overthrown by Josh Woodward. The ad music is Candlelight by Jahzzar.