Episode 260: repotting houseplants
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Get the lowdown on repotting your houseplants, from spotting the signs to the nitty gritty of how to repot. Plus botanist Dr Scott Zona answers a question about plant lifespans.
Check out the shownotes as you listen…
The three plants I deal with in this episode are Sinningia reitzii (I think - waiting on flowers for a final ID), Beaucarnea recurvata, the ponytail palm, and Hoya polyneura, the fishtail hoya, with an Oxalis aureoreticulata corymbosa growing in the top.
It’s vital you know when a plant is in need of a repot. Here are the signs to look out for…
A rootbound houseplant will struggle to take up water and nutrients, slowing down growth. Photograph: Jane Perrone
Plants wilting
Foliage feels limp
Foliage looking dull
Growth slowed or stopped
Water running straight through the pot without being absorbed
Roots growing out of the bottom of the pot
If you see any or all of these symptoms, it’s time to to the rootball out for the ultimate test - check if it’s potbound when the roots are circling around the rootball and little or no soil is visible.
3. Preparation is all when it comes to repotting! Here’s what you need to get ready…
The ponytail palm before repotting. Photograph: Jane Perrone.
Make sure your substrates are all at room temperature and not freezing as this can shock plants.
Soak the rootballs of plants you are about to repot for at least half an hour.
Make sure your potting area is clean and your new pots have been washed in hot, soapy water, then rinsed.
A soft toothbrush is useful for cleaning dirt from a caudex! You can use a soft clean makeup brush to clean leaves.
Have some rags on hand for wiping down pots.
It’s up to you if you want to wear gloves or not.
I love to repot with some music playing, and a cup of tea at my side - it’s not a race, it should be fun!
If you want to find out more about different potting mixes for houseplants, have a listen to my potting mix a-z episodes part one, two and three.
If you are repotting in a terracotta pot, ideally soak it in water before starting (one caveat - not if you are repotting succulents in the depths of winter).
When adding new substrate, frequently tap the pot to ensure the mixture settles and fills in properly.
Repotting is a good time to check plants over for pests: give them a shower to remove dust and excess soil afterwards.
The repotted ponytail palm. Photograph: Jane Perrone.
The repotted Sinningia. Photograph: Jane Perrone.
Hoya polyneura after repotting. Photograph: Jane Perrone.
Sally wanted to know whether plants have a defined lifespan. Botanist Dr Scott Zona was on hand to help with this one.
Dr Scott Zona is a botanist, researcher, and educator with a focus on tropical plants: you’ll find him on Instagram as @scott.zona and on Twitter as @Scott_Zona. Scott’s book A Gardener's Guide to Botany published by Cool Springs Press is out now.
Patreon subscribers at the Ledge End and Superfan level can listen to an extended version of this interview in my bonus Patreon podcast An Extra Leaf 108.
Want to ask me a question? Email ontheledgepodcast@gmail.com. The more information you can include, the better - pictures of your plant, details of your location and how long you have had the plant are always useful to help solve your issue.
Thanks to True Leaf Market for supporting this week’s show. True Leaf Market have been supplying of superb seed since 1974: check out their website for a huge choice of seeds including vegetables, herbs, flowers, microgreens and seeds for sprouting, plus their free growing guides to help you get started. Get $10 off when yout spend $50 off now at trueleafmarket.com with promo code ONTHELEDGE10. Limit one use per customer.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku and Dizzy Spells by Josh Woodward. The ad music is Candlelight by Jahzzar.