Episode 264: a sowalong update - plus what's inside your seeds
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I update you on the seed-sowing exploits of both me and a bunch of listeners, plus I talk about the botanical terms of the different parts of a seed, and answer a question about a cactus with a fungal infection.
Check out the show notes as you listen….
The hardy Begonia I mention this week is Begonia ‘Torsa’ and you can read more about it on the American Begonia Society website. Cneck out @leafyexotics’s Begonia ‘Torsa’ here.
@Meristem_UK’s YouTube videos on sowing succulent seeds are here.
Seed terms
The seed coat - its outer layer - is known as the testa or integument. This testa keeps the seed protected from the elements while it is waiting to germinate. The seed coat can be really thick in some species which means the seed will need to be soaked or nicked with a knife.
The micropyle is a weak point on the testa where the seed will start to take in water when it is ready to start germinating.
The embryo of the seed is the baby plant. It contains the radicle - the structure that turns into a root - and the pumule, which turns into the shoot.
The hilum is the point on the testa where the seed was attached to its fruit - most obvious on beans.
The seed will contain one or two cotyledons - the seed leaves that emerge first before the ‘true’ leaves. The number will depend on whether the species is a monocot or a dicot.
Houseplant monocots includes orchids, Sansevieria and palms, and dicots include Mimosa pudica, begonias and euphorbias. This page explains the differences between monocots and dicots is explained here.
Check out these diagrams of monocot and dicot seeds here.
Jon has a Ferocactus histrix bought from Ikea that is suffering from rust - an umbrella term for a number of fungus species that affect plants and can eventually kill them. Rust can often be treated by quarantining the plant removing infected material, along with use of fungicide sprays. In this case of a barrel shaped cactus, it is very hard to stop the spread, and may prove not economic given the original cost of the cactus and the small likelihood of recovery when you cannot remove infected parts.
Cacti that are kept in damp conditions with poor air circulation are prone to fungal diseases, and this likely set in even before Jon got hold of this plant. If you can buy from specialists, the risk of these kinds of problems are reduced.
Have a look at this RHS downloadable PDF for information on fungicides licensed for use in the UK, as well as this page on rust diseases.
Want to ask me a question? Email ontheledgepodcast@gmail.com. The more information you can include, the better - pictures of your plant, details of your location and how long you have had the plant are always useful to help solve your issue.
Thanks to True Leaf Market for supporting this week’s show. True Leaf Market have been supplying of superb seed since 1974: check out their website for a huge choice of seeds including vegetables, herbs, flowers, microgreens and seeds for sprouting, plus their free growing guides to help you get started. Get $10 off when yout spend $50 off now at trueleafmarket.com with promo code ONTHELEDGE10. Limit one use per customer.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku and I Snost, I Lost by Doctor Turtle. The ad music is Candlelight by Jahzzar.
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