Episode 279: staking moth orchids
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To stake, or not to stake? I look at the arguments for and against staking moth orchids (aka Phalaenopsis) plus I answer a question about houseplants in films, and we hear from Helen in Meet the Listener.
0:00:42 Controversy Surrounding Orchid Staking
0:02:23 Natural Growth of Moth Orchids vs. Staking
0:04:24 Environmental Impact of Orchid Staking and Alternatives
0:06:06 Repotting Orchids and Issues with ‘death plugs’
0:09:37 Orchid staking using natural materials
0:12:23 Orchid Staking: When to Stake and When Not to
0:17:58 Meet the Listener - Helen
0:25:40 Music credits
Order your copy now! It’s now out in the UK in all good bookshops and will be released in the US via Abrams Books on October 24 2023.
Houseplant Gardener in a Box is now out worldwide!
Grow happy, healthy houseplants with the help of these simple, illustrated cards. The 60 informative cards, illustrated by artist Cody Bond, and 32-page book packaged in a giftable box.
I answer hundreds of questions, including: What sort of plants love a bathroom? How can you bring an orchid back into flower? What needs regular watering, and what doesn’t mind if you forget? What can you put on a sunny windowsill, and what will send foliage tumbling attractively from a shelf? Drawing on years of experience and research, her cards provide sensible, practical, and inspiring advice. The accompanying book will guide you through the process of selecting plants, and Cody Bond’s beautiful illustrations will inspire you along the way. Order your copy now from all good bookstores (and lots of plant shops too!)
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku, Chiefs by Jahzzar and Enthusiast by Tours.