Episode 278: Gardening is Murder with Marta McDowell
An illustration from Gardening is Murder, by the illustrator Yolanda V Fundora.
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I talk to author Marta McDowell about her new book Gardening Can Be Murder, which explores plants and gardens as the inspiration for writers of crime fiction.
Marta’s book Gardening Can Be Murder is published by Timber Press. You can read Marta’s full list of horticultural crime fiction here.
Patreon subscribers at the Ledge End and Superfan level can watch a bonus video with Marta in An Extra Leaf 120.
This week’s guest
Garden writer Marta McDowell lives in New Jersey in the US and is the author of several books including Beatrix Potter's Gardening Life and All The Presidents’ Gardens. She teaches landscape history and horticulture at the New York Botanical Garden, where she studied landscape design. Her particular interest is in authors and their gardens, the connection between the pen and the trowel.
The books mentioned in our chat are…
The Nero Wofle series by Rex Stout - you can watch William Shatner as Archie Goodwin here.
Listen to Legends of the Leaf!
Legends of the Leaf is my book revealing the backstories of 25 iconic houseplants, including the swiss cheese plant, the Boston fern and the snake plant. The print and ebook editions came out in April 2023, buty the audiobook version is hot off the presses (or should that be speakers?).
The audiobook will be coming to Audible in the next few days and is currently available on Spotify, Kobo, Chirp, NOOK Audiobooks and Google Play. Patrons on my Superfan tier will be getting a free copy of the audiobook, too.
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This week's show featured the tracks Roll Jordan Roll by the Joy Drops, The Road We Use To Travel When We Were Kids by Komiku and Plantation by Jason Shaw.